We have recently learned more about a Girl Scout tradition called SWAPS (Special Whatchamacallit Affectionately Pinned Somewhere). They are simply little somethings, often symbolic of an event, with a small identifying tag that Girl Scouts swap with each other and pin on a hat, t-shirt, rope, etc.
Coming up in February is a special Girl Scout holiday called World Thinking Day. It's a day when scouts and guides around the world get together to learn and think more about their sister scouts in different countries. Our county's service unit is having a special day where each troop picks a country to represent. Our troop chose China/Hong Kong! We are responsible for making a display, 150 SWAPS, and a snack. Our SWAPS are a combination of little pictures (dragons, Wall of China, etc.) and fortune cookies that we've made. Here are some pictures of how to make the fortune cookie SWAPS (I think they're adorable!).
Cut out a circle of paper (I used a scrapbooking circle punch tool). Pinch it in half (colored side out) - do not crease the fold. I had to use my other hand to take the photo, but usually my other hand is holding that left side closed while my right hand is pushing in middle and pulling the ends down and together. I used little glue dots (Zots) to put in the crease to keep the fold together permanently. You could use regular glue, but you have to hold it closed for a bit. |
We printed out tags for the "fortune," which we glued into the cookie. |
After adding the ubiquitous safety pin, we'll display our SWAPS in Chinese take-out containers (bought at Walmart in the party supplies section) on our table for the other Girl Scout troops to visit and swap. |
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