Sunday, January 1, 2012

8th Day of Christmas A.K.A. New Year's Day 2012

Here's your heart attack!  Tonight we ate our good luck pork in the form of barbeque ribs.  We had green beans (green to bring money!) and garlic parmesan mashed potatoes (I don't know what they symbolize).

These are my oven-roasted ribs ~ they melt in your mouth!

Sylv's on your fourth rib!  She's decided that, in fact, Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce is better than the Almighty A1.  

Everybody seems to have their New Year's Day traditions, and my German family always always always had pork and sauerkraut, usually slowed cooked in the Crock Pot all day and eaten at the Taneytown Activities Building to celebrate my great-grandparents' anniversary.  George and the girls hate the smell of kraut, so I don't even bother with that anymore although I used to.  My stepdad is Pennsylvanian Dutch, and his mom always made a hog maw for the occasion.  As a kid I couldn't stomach the stuff (yeah, pig's internals stuffed with potatoes, pork, etc.), but now that our friends the Mullers have us down for their wonderful version, I hate to miss it!  Next week we hope to get our hog on again!

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